February 08, 2008

Blessed (Cursed) ATM?

An ATM near Forum Mall, Koramangala, Bangalore....

The user - ME

I swiped my card, entered the PIN, and then the amount - Rs 5000
Some machine movement happened before the ATM started humming that sweet little music of Rupee-Notes getting machine-counted.
After a while it presented me the money. I took it and counted...

Did I count an extra 100?! Not sure... I count again. YES! There is one 100 Rs note extra. The ATM indeed gave me an extra 100 Rs! Wait a minute... What did the receipt say? I carefully check the receipt the machine had produced. It said Rs 5000. But I got Rs 5100!

With grin all over my face, I said "God bless this ATM!"

PS: If I got lucky, someone else might have got unlucky. So folks, count the money before you leave the ATM. Machines are not perfect!


Anonymous said...

:) ...Btw did you check your account???it must have been a printer mistake too ;) 100/- less...
Wondering how the 100/- could have traversed its way around till it rests in another ATM..waiting for its way out as an "extra" again??

padhick said...

Shabu, I did check my bank account. It said 5000 withdrawn :-) All the best for an "extra" :-)