March 28, 2010


Read Succsex by RVM - A book one should definitely NOT buy to read!! RVM or Ravi Melwani is the Kids Kemp guy from Bangalore. He lacks writing skills.

95% of the book is bull shit - and most of its content a repeat – a copy-paste – of what has been mentioned in different pages of the same book. The 100 page book could have been easily shrunk into a 5 page pamphlet. Alas, the author will not be able to sell his book. So he stretched it and stretched it – just like how a Sales or Business guy would do. Well... after all he is from a business background. What else one should expect?

Transmutation is definitely a rummy topic. I-net is a better source of info on transmutation. The book is not. It is an infinite pointer to a pointer - a circular liked-list - with very little content.

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