August 17, 2008

Between Jobs...

Click the above image to enlarge

Am jobless. Am between jobs. I quit my prev company on 14-Aug-2008. Joining the new company tomorrow. Everything familiar has disappeared. The world looks brand new! It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on. It's a magical world out there! Let me go explore... Wish me the very best :-)


Anonymous said...

congratulations to IBM and my heart felt condolence to Huwaei :)

Anonymous said...

Wish you all the best...
Sure that u can xcel anywhere..

Usha said...

Change is always good.
Wish you all the very best!

what made me put in a comment here?
'coz I've been contemplating on a change of job since sometime, n I do envy you a teeny weeny bit right now. Hope I'll be able to publish a jobswitch post like that soon!

padhick said...

Sandeep, Vimal, Usha, Thankyou :-)